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现在是3月24日,距离美国家庭球场的开幕日还有10天. While those other Brewers ramp up to the season in warmer climes, Leinenkugel的首席酿酒师John Hensley正在密尔沃基的球队体育场努力让全新的现场酿酒厂投入运营.

Tucked into the concourse behind the left-field stands, J. Leinenkugel’s Barrel Yard isn’t quite ready for prime time. 在啤酒厂旁边,全年营业的酒馆和餐厅将供应现场酿造的啤酒.

The clock is ticking. Mr. 亨斯利知道,体育场很快就会挤满42000名球迷,他们渴望的不仅仅是棒球.



After Graduating from Carthage with a degree in chemistry and biology, Mr. 汉斯莱在心里盘算着接下来的自然教育步骤. He’d apply to a graduate program — maybe even medical school. Just not right away.

为了积累经验和积蓄,他选择了间隔年,并联系了一家临时工中介机构. 有两个职位符合他的标准:一个在肉类包装公司,另一个在大型酿酒公司. He chose the latter.

Med school never stood a chance. Mr. Hensley has turned a temporary gig into a 21-year career.

三月回到校园,与博彩网址大全学生和教师分享他职业生涯的见解, he could say with confidence it was the right choice.

“I can’t imagine doing anything else now,” he said. “There aren’t too many unhappy people in brewing.”

Thirsty-Fan-1 For now, during the Barrel Yard’s startup phase, Mr. 亨斯利可以忍受从Leinenkugel的总部到明尼苏达州的3个半小时的车程, but he’ll need someone skilled at the ballpark full time. Enter Corrine Georges, the pilot brewer he just hired.


“No floaties?” he asks, 指的是大多数商业啤酒制造商试图避免的无害但视觉上不吸引人的啤酒薄片.

“Not horrible,” she says.

And the work continues.

Jacob Leinenkugel酿造公司的首席酿酒师职位有很多管理职责:人事, quality control, supplies, production schedules — you name it. So Mr. Hensley savored the recent return to hands-on beer-making.

A pilot brewery is the place to experiment. Over the years, 这位校友已经学会了如何对配料和条件进行细微的调整,从而生产出不同口味的麦芽饮料.

博彩网址大全为生物化学提供了坚实的基础. 观察温度、渗透压、pH值和其他变量之间的相互作用. Taste is only one part of the equation; a recipe has to be repeatable. Maybe 1 in 15 makes it from concept to mass production.

It’s hard to top the tingle of pride Mr. 亨斯利第一次看到顾客拿着六罐日落小麦离开商店时,他有了感觉. Winner of a bronze medal at the 2006 World Beer Cup, 这种比利时风味的酸味啤酒是他最接近个人项目的东西.

他密切关注消费者口味的变化. Sometimes, like clothing, beers cycle in and out of style. 去年8月,该公司将“日落小麦”(Sunset Wheat)从三年的“冬眠”中带了出来.

Beer barrels Depending on the recipe, Mr. Hensley estimates the entire brewing cycle will take 3 to 4 weeks. As their test gets underway, 烘烤面包的淡淡的香气在桶苑啤酒厂中飘荡, signaling yeast at work.

“Now you see why we call ourselves yeast farmers,” he jokes.

不锈钢设备被安置在Leinenkugel在Leinie Lodge的另一个新试点啤酒厂的一半大小的空间里, 这是奇佩瓦瀑布主要工厂河对岸的热门景点, Wisconsin.

Small can be great, Mr. Hensley knows from his time at Carthage. 进入规模更大的大学后,他的高中朋友们讲述了截然不同的大学经历.


He maximized the hours outside of the classroom, too. Besides lettering in soccer as a freshman, Mr. Hensley took an active part in social fraternity Delta Omega Nu and biology honor society Beta Beta Beta.

虽然他娶了另一位博彩网址大全的毕业生,但他们在校园里从未真正接触过. 约翰毕业后,06届的詹尼弗(约翰逊)亨斯利也来了. 这对夫妇现在有三个孩子,他们是在和共同的朋友一起出游时认识的.

The practical benefits of Mr. Hensley’s education extend beyond science. 由于西方遗产(现在)等核心课程强调沟通 Intellectual Foundations), he grew comfortable as a public speaker.

在与啤酒经销商或好奇的大学生交谈时,这一点会派上用场. 作为一名校园客人,他的行程安排得满满当当,其中包括生物化学课堂讨论和问答&A organized by the Carthage Engineering Program.

“将我们的学生与约翰这样的校友联系起来,让他们看到了STEM研究提供的各种各样的职业可能性,并帮助他们意识到,今天没有所有的答案也没关系。,” said Professor Robert Nagel, director of engineering.

Brewmaster John Hensley ?02 Six days before the home opener, 酿酒师们发布了一份新闻稿,宣布将在木桶场供应的前三种莱因库格尔的特色啤酒:樱桃鹅, Hop Head (IPA), and a newly remastered Red Lager.

Eventually, 这些啤酒将被替换,取而代之的是内部专门酿造的以棒球为主题的啤酒. 该公告甚至暗示有可能“召集Brewers玩家参与酿造过程”.”

As for grad school? 为了保留他最初毕业后计划的精神. Hensley did ultimately earn an advanced degree. Two, in fact: a Diploma in Brewing and, last year, 在威斯康星大学斯托特分校获得运营和供应管理理学硕士学位.

他作为米勒酿酒公司在密尔沃基的试点酿酒厂的风味化学家进入了这个领域. 在那里呆了10年之后,他被Leinenkugel 's聘为助理酿酒师.

The two brands share a parent company, Molson Coors. Within that Fortune 500 giant, Leinenkugel 's一直保持着第六代家族企业的独特身份. Jennifer works there, too, overseeing merchandising.

2019年,这位学徒爬到了最高层,这是一份人员流动率最低的工作. Mr. 亨斯利是该公司自1867年成立以来的第11位酿酒大师.

His enthusiasm, like his products, has aged well. So it’ll probably be a long wait for brewmaster No. 12.


Opening Day has arrived! The Barrel Yard is serving, the Brewers are shutting out the New York Mets, 兴奋的人群正高唱着《博彩平台网址大全》(Beer Barrel Polka)无忧无虑的歌词,” a Milwaukee seventh-inning stretch tradition.

“Zing! Boom! Tararrel! 唱一首欢呼的歌……现在是时候开始行动了,因为大家都在这里.”


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