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Prof. Julie Dawson Prof. Julie DawsonJulie Dawson has taught accounting博彩网址大全统治了近30年,但另一个数字对她的职业生涯更有意义.

“我与至少200名校友保持着联系,”这位会计学和管理学助理教授表示 finance. “I always want to know: How’s your career going? How’s your family? 我们有一种归属感,属于一个亲密的社区,这使得博彩网址大全成为一个独特的教学场所.”




“我总是说我有世界上最好的工作,因为我和那些对知识充满好奇的年轻人一起工作. I can have incredible conversations with them,” she says. “They work very hard, and they’re incredibly kind; I root for all of them.”

The feeling is mutual. Backed by glowing recommendations from students and colleagues, Prof. 道森获得了2022-23杰出教学奖——博彩网址大全最高的教师荣誉.

“She takes a specific interest in each of her students, and we can tell she genuinely loves each one of us,” one student wrote in support of her nomination.

Of course, in the not-so-touchy-feely business world, results are king.

When Accounting Today crunched the numbers in 2021, 在注册会计师考试中,博彩网址大全的第一次合格率在全国排名前6%. 一个行业组织在考试的过渡阶段隐瞒了随后的结果, 但该学院极高的实习率和就业率表明,这绝非侥幸.

In August, Sierra Sonnemaker ' 23开始在绍姆堡Plante Moran的税务人员工作, Illinois. The recent graduate calls Prof. 道森是她成长过程中最具影响力的博彩网址大全教员.

在“火鸟”网球队的四年里,她与一个要求苛刻的专业测试者并肩作战. Sonnemaker’s time management. Four classes with Prof. Dawson sharpened her specialized skills, with test questions modeled after the ones on the actual CPA exam.

Ms. Sonnemaker甚至在毕业前就通过了执照考试的前两部分. Nationwide, there’s a roughly 50 percent success rate on each section.

这位年轻的校友说:“当你参加考试时,你已经看到了一些你以前见过的东西. “So it’s not too much of a surprise.”

For her part, Prof. Dawson brings plenty of applicable experience and connections. She started out as an auditor for Deloitte in Davenport, Iowa, 她还在为当地的一些非营利组织提供咨询,以保持她的知识与时俱进.

For her part, Prof. Dawson brings plenty of applicable experience and connections. She started out as an auditor for Deloitte in Davenport, Iowa, 她还在为当地的一些非营利组织提供咨询,以保持她的知识与时俱进.

With her guidance, 基诺沙(Kenosha)即将升入大二的26岁学生艾萨克·哥德伯格(Isaak Gotberg)已经获得了两个主要的会计实习机会. 今年夏天,他在德勤(Deloitte)工作,是密尔沃基18人团队中三名博彩网址大全实习生之一。明年夏天,他在发展迅速的锡基律师事务所(Sikich LLP)还有一个空缺.

Touching base even before he enrolled, Prof. 道森安排艾萨克马上在秋天上她的财务会计课程. That’s a semester earlier than schedules typically allow, giving the eager freshman a sneak peek into the profession.

朱莉·道森教授(右)在收到2022-23年度奖金后,拥抱了同事劳拉·瓦拉查 ... 朱莉·道森教授(右)在收到2022-23年度奖金后,拥抱了同事劳拉·瓦拉查 Distinguished Teaching Award. Prof. 去年的获奖者瓦拉查在5月26日的年终招待会上颁发了该奖项.

Using a “flipped classroom” model, 她给学生们分配了一个大约45分钟的视频,让他们观看,为上课做准备. 他们把笔记带进教室,在这段时间里通过实际的例子进行练习.

“To me, that’s the best way of learning,” Isaak says. “I learn best by doing things.”

Earning a reputation as a master scheduler, Prof. Dawson sees academic advising as one of the best parts of her job. 通过展示他如何在四年时间里完成博彩网址大全的一切, she turned Isaak’s nervousness to relief.

同时,他作为博彩网址大全会计协会会长的一年任期也已经过半, a student group advised by — you guessed it — Prof. Dawson.

A Bright Forecast 

会计学稳居博彩网址大全学院十大最受欢迎专业之列,如今已成为该学院最受欢迎的专业之一 School of Business and Economics. Prof. 道森说,更有针对性的专注“允许灵活地解决问题和梦想.”

一年来,她为这个新的学术部门已经获得的发展势头感到兴奋. In part, she credits founding dean Jim Padilla 快速发现教师的优势,并将其用于学生的利益.

首先出现的变化之一是会计专业新增了理学学士学位选项. 由150个学分组成,比文学学士学位的官方要求多出20个学分.S. track will equip students for the more expansive CPA exam coming in 2024.

By enrolling in J-Term each winter, Carthage students can still finish in four years. At most other schools, it takes five.

深入学习会计不会以牺牲文科基础为代价. Learning to think critically, to communicate clearly, 在不同的团队中工作——这些重要的技能将会很好地融入到博彩网址大全的经历中.

“会计师们实际上更多的是说和写,而不是处理数字。. Dawson. “当我们与招聘人员交谈时,他们总是问:‘你们的学生具备全套技能吗?’ They are looking for people with strong interpersonal dynamics.”

Conducting an external audit, for example, requires a delicate balance. It’s a pressure-packed situation for the client.

“你进去了解他们的商业惯例、文化和方言. Then you turn around and point out any errors,” she explains. “重要的是让你的客户觉得和你交谈很舒服,并以建设性的方式交流结果, positive way.”

Beyond the classroom, Prof. 道森于1993年将志愿所得税援助(VITA)计划带到博彩网址大全. About 30 volunteers, all certified by the IRS, prepare taxes for low- to moderate-income households free of charge.

Administered by the United Way, VITA has served at least 20,000 local families over the past three decades.

“她一直是这个项目的中流砥柱,也是这个项目发展如此迅速的原因之一,” said Carolynn Friesch, CEO of United Way of Kenosha County.

Long before making a career in higher education, Prof. Dawson saw it from two distinct vantage points as a student. 她在奥古斯塔纳学院获得本科学位,在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得会计硕士学位.

她认为,对于那些拥有博彩网址大全(Carthage)“杰出而多才多艺”的会计学位的人来说,市场将持续牛市. 毕业生在芝加哥公牛队和菲尔德博物馆等各种组织担任主管职位.

“Every organization needs accountants,” says Prof. Dawson. “无论你想在哪个领域或地理区域开始你的职业生涯, there’s a strong chance you can do that with an accounting degree.”


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